Five Qualities That Vintage Home Appliances Had That We Need Today

It’s probably difficult for most modern appliance owners to think back to a time when homeowners had iceboxes or when thanks to a couple of warm winters, ice shortages prompted Americans to look for a more efficient way to keep food cold. From those events came real innovation in the first electric home appliances, which had glamor, style, features, performance, and function. Here are five qualities that vintage home appliances had that we need today.


Electric wall outlets and plugs were first on display at the St. Louis World Fair in 1904. By the 1930s, inventors had designed electrical products that made kitchens more beautiful and convenient. It shouldn’t be surprising that home appliances were also more durable when built between the 1930s and 1950s because of the durability of the manufacturing materials and construction practices. These home appliances were considered so cutting-edge by consumers that there was a higher demand for them.

After 1950, manufacturers made significant changes, including going from metal and cloth materials to aluminum and rubber. Added innovative features also used more electricity, making them less energy-efficient than before. Of course, with more power usage came less longevity. Those doors that slam now falls off their hinges. The slightest movement dislocates or causes a feature to stop working correctly. Homeowners are used to having refrigerator repairs, dishwasher repairs, washer-dryer repairs, or oven repairs.

Creative Designs

From sculpted legs to wider cabinetry and extended length, vintage home appliances were built for functionality and handiness. Today’s mainstream machines are smart and energy-efficient, yet they lack many of the convenient features that make vintage designs increasingly more popular among consumers who want to have full kitchen renovations.

Vintage Home Appliance Authenticity

Several companies today are getting on board with retro appliances because more consumers are embracing vintage authenticity with modern technological advancement. Using durable materials like metal and cast-iron and accessorizing them with cast metal handle and knob craftsmanship has elevated unique contemporary appliance availability.

Vibrant Colors

In the mid-twentieth century, it was not uncommon to see complete kitchens that were made of vibrant color schemes like Bisque, Cadet Blue, Canary Yellow, Flamingo Pink, Mint Green, Petal Pink, Robin’s Egg Blue, Sherwood Green, Stratford Yellow, Turquoise Green, or Woodtone Brown. Retro refrigerators were fashionable and stunning, so why not offer new and exciting modern kitchen appliance colors that brighten up home décor?


Homeowners have, over the last two decades, opted for luxury and technology by investing in expensive, upscale materials and top-of-the-line appliances. Retro kitchens were inventive because they were stylishly designed. There was also an unmistakable aesthetic that modern homeowners crave today either to authenticate the environment of a dated home or to recapture an era long past. From their sleek lines to stunningly accented designs and cursive script, midcentury appliances were all about the user’s convenience.

Give us a call if you are thinking of renovating your kitchen with vintage home appliances, so we can help you select the best brands and install them for you. We also do vintage appliance repair, so call us at (781) 953-9600 or message us at