
No matter how carefully you try to preserve your clothing’s appearance, accidents happen. You could spill pasta sauce on your favorite shirt, or your child might stain their new clothes during art class. Whatever the case, stains can be a hassle to remove. If left for too long, the stains can set and fuse permanently with the fabric, so time is your most important factor. Treat the stain as soon as you can for best results. If you’re noticing that your clothes appear to be grimy or unclean after running your washing machine, it might indicate a functional problem. Speak to an appliance repair company like CS Appliance Service for advice.

  • Always follow the care instructions on the inner tag of the garment. Take into account the type of fabric in particular. Cotton is very durable, for example, but certain types of synthetic fabric are more sensitive to chemical cleaners. Whatever the fabric content, never rub or scrub the garment hard as this could cause damage and even set the stain faster.
  • Avoid using heat for most materials. Heat sets stains faster than anything else, making them impossible to remove in most cases. After running your clothes through the washer, inspect the item that had the stain to make sure it’s completely gone before putting it in the dryer. Don’t put anything with a stain in the dryer until the stain is no longer visible.
  • Commercial cleaners and bleaches, both color-safe and regular, can do an excellent job at removing stains if used following the directions. However, it’s important to always perform a small patch test on the garment in question to make sure it is colorfast. On the inside of a sleeve cuff or hem, dip a cotton swab in the cleaner and dab it on the fabric. Let sit for a half hour, then rub with a clean, damp cloth. If the color does not rub onto the cloth, then the item can hold up to the product.
  • If the stain occurs when you’re out, for example at a restaurant, get to a bathroom as soon as possible. Wet a few paper towels and liberally pat (not rub) the stain. You could also carry a commercial stain remover pen or similar product for on-the-go accidents.

How to Remove 5 Common Stains

  1. Cooking Oil: Apply a dab or two of Dawn or similar dish soap directly onto the spot, then gently rub it in with your fingers. Run under cold water until well rinsed. Then launder the item on the hottest setting the fabric can stand.
  2. Grass: Brush off any remaining grass or dirt from the fabric. Then apply commercial stain remover to the stain. You can also try using white vinegar, but make sure to test for colorfastness because vinegar can also remove color.
  3. Red Wine: Cover the stain liberally with salt, which should help absorb the color from the wine. Then, brush this off and mix an enzyme detergent with cold water in your sink, then soak the garment for several hours.
  4. Blood: Rinse the item under cold running water for several minutes. Apply diluted hydrogen peroxide to the stain, dabbing it carefully. If this doesn’t work, rinse the garment again and try a regular or color-safe bleach.
  5. Tomato Sauce: Quickly scrape off any solid material, then run under cold water. Rub undiluted laundry detergent into the fabric with your finger gently. Then rinse and apply bleach.

The ability of your washing machine to be able to remove stains requires it be performing optimally. If you’re noticing that stains are not being removed, or even that your clothes appear to have new discoloration after running through the washing machine, it may be time to contact an appliance repair professional. The repair technicians at CS Appliance Service have been proudly serving the residents of the greater Boston and Boston North area for many years. With a professional assessment, we can quick determine the cause of your washer’s poor performance. If your washer is giving you trouble, call (781) 953-9600 to set up an appointment. For more information about making the most of your home appliances, visit us on Facebook at