Shopping For A French Door Refrigerator? Pros And Cons To Know

For growing families or kitchen connoisseurs, a French-door refrigerator can provide both aesthetics and functionality. Is this layout practical? Those looking to invest in a new model often wonder if double door design concepts with pull-out bins are better economically than the traditional refrigerator units. If you are shopping for a new refrigerator, here are the pros and cons that consumers should be aware of when replacing an old model with French-style doors.

  1. Shelf Accessibility

Space is generally one of the reasons why consumers decide to upgrade to a French door model as the wide shelving and storage bins make food and beverages more accessible.

  • Standard top-mount and side-by-side models with freezers at eye level may measure 70 x 36 inches. The volume is between 14 and 20 cubic feet.
  • French door refrigerators come in three, four, and five-door models with as much as 84-inch height and 42-inch Volume can be up to 35 cubic feet.
  1. Storage Capacity

French door models have wide, open space and bins that make storage much more efficient. You can fit larger items on the shelves while bins house similar foods together.

  1. Doors Have Ideal Range-Of-Motion

Unlike traditional sideward doors, French doors have an ideal range of motion that makes them easier to open. The lower doors also provide easier access as they slide outward.

  1. Chill Drawer

If you buy a four or five-door model, you get a chill compartment right above the bottom freezer. The temperature adjusts, so you can store items like boxed ice cream or leftovers.

  1. More Freezer Depth

A common complaint about traditional refrigerators is that freezers are not big enough to hold a lot of items. Most especially if the items are boxed or rounded, it is an impossible task to achieve when trying to fit them in with multiple square packs of meat.

Primary Cons:

  1. Doors Are Not Reversible

Traditional doors are reversible which allows users to change them if cabinet space does not align with the side the doors open. French doors are not interchangeable.

  1. Model Choice May Limit Accessibility

If your French door freezer is not a pull-out model, it will make it difficult to search for items since you will have to bend down and reach inward.

  1. Costs

A French door refrigerator will cost more in energy than a traditional model because of the space that requires cooling. Find an Energy Star model for better efficiency.

  1. Size May Not Fit Spacing

Unless you own a newer home, the spacing in the kitchen generally makes room for traditional appliance sizes. You may need to do remodeling to make room for it.

  1. Aesthetic Refrigerator Goals

If your goal is to remodel your kitchen, a modern stainless-steel refrigerator may not fit design aesthetics like farmhouse, rustic, or retro. What are your makeover options?

Our CS Appliance experts are fully trained to provide yearly maintenance check-ups and repairs regardless of the model. For an appointment, call (781) 953-9600 or contact us on Facebook.