What To Consider When Buying A New Stove

One never fully appreciates the stove until it breaks down while your hungry family is at home waiting on dinner to be ready. It’s a reality that most parents can attest they don’t want to repeat, which is why too many oven repairs is a clear sign it’s time to buy a new stove. Here are a few essential elements to consider when shopping for home appliances, so you get the perfect model.

Make And Model

Freestanding stoves do not attach to the surrounding cabinetry, so they are the most widely preferred make and model today. Designs are also similar in these freestanding models as the control panel is on the back with dials in the front. Other models are designed to sit snuggly between cabinetry, so the backsplash adds aesthetic appeal.

Gas Or Electric?

There are several apparent differences in gas and electric stoves, both in design and aesthetics. Some ovens have eyes while others have ceramic surfaces, so you need to consider what is most comfortable and convenient for your cooking patterns and practices. There are also differences in costs. When thinking about appliance costs, you should keep in mind that the higher the price of the appliance, the cheaper it is to use.

  • Gas Stove Pros

One of the most notable pros about cooking on a gas stove is the cost as it is much cheaper than electrical energy. Gas appliances are also instantly ready once you light them. Your food also cooks quicker and more even on natural gas stoves.

  • Gas Stove Cons

One of the most significant drawbacks of gas appliances is safety. If you happen not to turn off the burner properly, gas will still pour out in the home, which is a health hazard. The gas appliances are also costlier, including the installation.

  • Electric Stove Pros

Electric stoves are less expensive than gas appliances. Newer models are efficient and more steady when cooking because of the glass-top surfaces. Clean-up is also easy because of the ceramic coating, so food or liquid spills are simple to contain.

  • Electric Stove Cons

Food cooks unevenly because of eye shape burners,  so it takes longer than gas to reach its full cooking time. Electric ovens are also challenging to clean because of the burner heating element locations. Glass top surfaces are also easy to scratch. The costs to operate are higher, and you won’t be able to cook in power outages.

  • Costs Factors

Ovens can run from $300 to over $30,000.  Factors like features, quality, and function will affect these costs. Installation fees also depend on how much work needs to be completed, but generally, house calls begin between $100 and $200 and go higher if a more complex installation is required. Location, cost of natural resources, removal, and set-up fees are also cost factors that you need to consider.

  • Functionality And Usability

Having beautiful kitchen appliances is lovely, but what is the point if you are not using them because they aren’t as functional as you would like them to be? If you require storage space, you might consider going with a six-eye stove model that comes with an additional storage area. If you live in a compact home, perhaps a smaller model will be more ideal. If you love to cook and entertain, a double-oven arrangement would likely be more suitable for you because of its adaptability.

At CS Appliance Service, we specialize in every brand make and model, so we have the expertise to help you overcome any negative perspectives of a must-have stove. Give us a call at 781-953-9600 for our expert assistance or send us a message on Facebook as well.