
Are you concerned about food hygiene or find it impossible to get rid of bacteria in your fridge? Regardless of the amount of cleaning, removing microbes is a full-time job for most families because of the natural food decay process. Even when your fridge appears clean from germs, bacteria, and mold, a refrigerator delays the spoilage of food by practicing maintenance upkeep. If you want to avoid being one of the 48 million Americans who suffer from e. Coli, salmonella, and listeria, here are a few ways to improve food hygiene and reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses.

Lurking Germs In Your Fridge

The CDC reports that the germs that are most likely to lead to foodborne illnesses include salmonella, norovirus, Campylobacter, Clostridium perfringens, and Staphylococcus aureus. These ailments also cause symptoms like nausea, bloating, stomach pain, and vomiting. While you will most likely recuperate without healthcare intervention, severe symptoms can be a sign of a severe strain that is either infectious or fatal. These symptoms can also hit your bank account significantly since a foodborne illness will cost American workers $106 to $207 per sick day.

Do You Meet The Global Cleanliness Standard?

Did you know that the global cleanliness standard in your refrigerator is between zero and ten  square centimeters of germs? It means that thoroughly wiping down your shelves and produce bins will not adequately protect you or your family members from foodborne sicknesses. If you are a busy worker or a parent, you must take precautions to ensure your fridge is germ-free.

Why Does Cleaning Not Help Too Much?

  • Use Storage Labels

If you have tiny hands going in-and-out of your refrigerator all day, you probably notice that food is never in the same spot that you put it. Labeling will remind you of where to put food which will keep you on-task, but you also organize when re-shelving. It will ensure a more ordered fridge and will reduce your access to unsafe bacteria. Disposable food labels will also cut down on food waste as it reminds others to eat the leftovers.

  • Properly Use Your Storage Bins

Refrigerator bins have lids for a good reason, but users typically tend to use them based on size or necessity. Not only do you not benefit from space, but it gives off a messy look to others. This approach adds a whole new perspective on refrigerator bin conformity.

  • Be Sure To Rearrange Your Shelving

Refrigerators tend to be packed in tightly and overcrowded which prevents the normal airway pathway. A disruption will help mold, bacteria, and germs to thrive in a warmer environment. Reorganizing food will make it more accessible and extend its shelf life.

  • Place your leftovers and ready-to-eat finger food on the top shelf.
  • Keep all packaged food and eggs on the middle shelf.
  • Put your meat, milk, yogurt, or sour cream on the bottom shelving.
  • Place your butter, cheese, condiments, and OJ in your fridge door.
  • Put vegetables in the high humidity bin and the fruits in the low humidity.

It will help to create a fridge storage chart to track your cleaning schedule, but it is most important to contact us at 781-953-9600 or on Facebook to get a maintenance check-up.